"There were definitely people from the security forces who let the attack happen because they were themselves offended by the film; they would absolutely put their loyalty to the Prophet over the consulate. The deaths and injuries and attacks are all nothing compared to insulting the Prophet."
Bargathi, of the police command, said the killings had taken the protest too far, but said: "What we saw was a very natural reaction to the insult to the Prophet. We condemn the deaths but the insult to the Prophet made people very angry."
So the head of the security in Libya, who also hasn't seen the movie is saying he and his men approve of the attack and ANYTHING is justifiable if there is even a hint of an insult......"they would ABSOLUTELY put their loyalty to the Prophet over anything else". "The deaths and injuries are all nothing", says it all.
We should be warned, so many times we have seen that the people involved in these attacks all over the world are ignorant men and women who follow blindly what they are told by their religious leaders, without any thought themselves. This is a danger to the whole world, a world which is attempting albeit slowly, to become more civilized, more discursive, more thoughtful and considerate of others feelings. The attacks were not justified in any way, and never could be under any circumstances. The International law which governs respect for an embassy is clearly meaningless to these fanatics.